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The Saving Power Of The Cross


The Apostle Paul was a man of great intellect. He was easily one on the most brilliant men of his 

day. He labored intensely going up and down the land winning people to Christ. He was a great

writer. His words continue to bless lives today. Yet as he approached the end of his life Paul did not 

boast in any of those things. He did not say that he gloried in the virgin birth of Christ. He did not say that 

he gloried in the many miracles of Christ. Neither did he say that he gloried in the life that Jesus 

lived. All of these things he set aside and instead cried out “I boast only in the Cross of the Lord

Jesus Christ!” Today the media mocks the Cross. Politicians fear the Cross, and cities throughout our 

nation have banned it from public display. Even churches and college chapels are beginning to remove it 

in order to be “less offensive.” 


The Cross, (let it be known to the aforementioned cities, polilticians, colleges and churches) is the highest and

most powerful symbol that man can look up to, and its influence is the mightiest power in all the world.

The Cross so deeply offends some people because it expresses the real depth of human sin. Certainly we think

that we know about sin and the effects that it is having throughout the world, but the real truth is that a person

can never realize the true depth of human sin until they look at the Cross and see it crucifying the Son of God.

The only thing greater than sin is the Love of God, and the Cross is the ultimate expression of that love.


Paul said “We preach Christ Crucified,” and that’s the message that the world needs to hear today 

because the Cross is the only place where man's every need is met. The way of the Cross is the only 

way that a person can be saved. Only through the Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ, by repenting of our sin, and

by accepting Him as our Saviour can a person freely receive salvation and eternal life. Never think that you are

"too bad" to be saved. When you take all your sins to the Cross you will find that they melt away in the incredible

love that surrounds the Cross.


Jesus came and gave a message of hope to the world. He Alone is that hope. Jesus said “I am the 

way the truth and the life...come unto Me” (John 14:6, Matthew 11:28). We must go to the Cross and

surrender all areas of our life over to Christ. It is then that we find peace where before there was no peace.

We find hope where before there was no hope. The Cross Alone is capable of bringing about such total 

transformation. It ‘is the power of God unto salvation..” (Romans 1:16). Through the Cross and the Cross alone,

man is reconciled unto God.


When Paul addressed the church at Corinth he referred to the message of the Cross as “the power 

to save.” What about you? Have you opened your heart to the power of the Cross? Have you asked 

Christ to forgive you of your sins. Have you asked Him into your heart and given Him complete

control over every part of your life? Only the power of the Cross makes it all possible. Don’t wait a 

moment longer. Today is your day of decision and you may never have another opportunity like the 

one you have right now.


God bless you,

Mark Shutts


Are You Washed In The Blood? -
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