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Unless we are willing to go to the Cross of Jesus Christ with a contrite heart, surrendering all that we are over to Him and placing the whole of our lives completely in His hands, then the Bible says that we are merely walking dead men, dead to happiness, dead to hope, and dead to all possibility of ever finding true joy. Oh yes, many millions throughout the ages have searched for joy elsewhere and the fact is that, without exception, every single one of them has failed in their attempt. That is a 100% failure rate. In all the world there is but one source from which man can draw an overflowing supply of everlasting joy. Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst (Jesus said); but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (and joy) John 4:14. The Bible says that God Alone can fill you with joy and peace so that you will “abound in hope” (Romans 15:13). As well, the Bible describes the joy that we find in Christ as a “joy unspeakable” and an “exceeding great joy” (1 Peter 1:8, 1 Peter 4:13, Matthew 2:10).


Of God’s love Paul said, “no one can measure the height and depth and width and breadth of God’s incredible Love for us.” There is great joy to be found in abundance within such a perfect love. It was his encounter with Jesus Christ that caused Paul to change direction, to take his eyes off the things of the world and set his sights on the things of eternity. Paul chose a brand new path. You can choose that same path tonight.


You see, the Joy of Christ is not something that can be earned. Nor is it possible to ever be “good” enough to merit that Joy.  It is something that automatically manifests itself and eternally becomes ours when we ask Him into our heart as our personal Lord and Savior.  If there is no repentance on our part then there can be no pardon on Christ’s part. Thus true joy will forever be a complete stranger to you.


The world will tell you that it doesn’t matter what you believe, just as long as you are sincere. But Jesus said there is only ONE way to God, and that way is through the Cross and Christ Crucified. Are you one who is tired of wandering aimlessly through life never finding the peace and joy that you have searched for all those many years? Then God is waiting to hear from you tonight, at this very moment. All you need to do is go to God in prayer and say “Lord, I know that I am a sinner, I confess my sins and I ask your forgiveness of my sins. I ask you to come into my heart and take complete control of my life. Give me strength to follow you and live for you every day. Remake me and mold me into the person that you want me to be. Thank you for dying on the Cross in my place. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus’ Name I pray - Amen”


*Let us know of your decision to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. We would like to rejoice with you and send you additional materials that will aid you in your walk with Christ.

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